1. 70 MPH Isn't Fast Enough To Get Out Of Nebraska 2. 7 Inch 3. Mimi Tatonka 4. Root Trees 5. Cross Rhodes 6. Chapter 2 7. Ancient Chinese Secret 8. Fish Sauce 9. Name Game 10. Bootie Beat 11. Willie Groovemaker 12. What More Can I Say (Top Chillin)
1. Treading Water 2. Invisible 3. Comin' From a Higher place 4. Life's Begun 5. No Controlling Me 6. Hard Man to Please 7. Step On 8. Indecision 9. I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor 10. Back of My Hand 11. This Time 12. The Sphinx
1. Working Woman 2. The Time Is Right For Love 3. Hold Fast 4. Coffee High 5. Everthing Holds Blame 6. Free Vibes (Instrumental) 7. Gonna Get You 8. Love Alarm 9. Snake Charmer 10. Magic Time Machine 11. Out Of Fashion 12. Nothing For Nothing
1. Let Us Be Loving (Kidkanevil Remix) 2. Got The Hunger? (DJ Vadim Remix) 3. Living The Life Of A Dreamer (Mr Scruff Remix) 4. All Alone (Mocean Worker Remix) 5. Universe (Kid Gusto Remix) 6. Two Steps (Herma Puma Remix) 7. Hurry On Now (Emika Remix) 8. Lights Went Out (Ljm Remix) 9. Let Us Be Loving (The Clonious Remix) 10. Living The Life Of A Dreamer (Lilstemix) 11. Got The Hunger? (J-Boogie Houston Remix) 12. Two Steps (Shawn Lee's 7 Inches Of Soul Remix) 13. All Alone (Captain Planet Remix) 14. Got The Hunger? (Llorca's Remix) 15. Universe (Dusty Remix) 16. Two Steps (Ohmega Watts Remix) 17. Lights Went Out (Zntn Mix) 18. Got The Hunger? (Ticklah Remix) 19. All Alone (DJ Day Meets Clutchy Hopkins Remix) 20. Let Us Be Loving (Yellowtail Remix) 21. Got The Hunger? (The Heavy Remix) 22. Universe (Grc's Quiet Carnival Remix) 23. Universe (Ddg Fuck-Up The Festivals Remix (Juno Exclusive Track) 24. Got The Hunger? (Tal M Klein Remix (Juno Exclusive Track)
1. Steve McQueen 2. Prayer 3. Roll Call 4. Dynamite 5. Bright Moments 6. Capricorn 7. Garage Days 8. Jays Lament 9. Upside The Head 10. Cool Hand Turmoil 11. Mean Spirit 12. Blow Back 13. She May Be Moody
1. Body Snatcher 2. Own Thing 3. Can You Feel It 4. Come On In 5. Way Down South 6. Slinky 7. Every Time 8. Dig Deeper 9. What's It Gonna Be 10. Killin' It
1. Need Strange 2. The Battle For Ventura Blvd. 3. Oh! I Spilled My Beer 4. Tops Off 5. Death Match 6. Night Sweats 7. Pig Feet 8. Lola 9. Bread Balls 10. Into The Floyd 11. Status Spectrum (Bonus Track)
Mais um parceiro que se vai... Another partner that is gone...
Pois é, embora o trabalho do lado de cá continue sendo sério e engajado, as gravadoras não se permitem encarar a situação através de um novo ponto de vista. Well, although work on this side remains serious and committed, the labels do not allow theirselves to face the situation through a new point of view
Ontem, o Blogger tirou do ar, mais um grande parceiro do AFBJ: Só Pedrada Musical. Dirigido por Daniel Tamenpi, o blog tinha vários anos em seu currículo e um acervo de disco sensacionais. Yesterday, Blogger had closed, another major partner of AFBJ: Só Pedrada Musical Directed by Daniel Tamenpi, the blog had several years in your résumé and a sensational collection of music.
Acredito que boa parte dos discos postados por Tamenpi, não existiam em catálogo a disposição do público que acessava o seu blog. I believe that most of the albuns posted by Tamenpi, did not exist anymore in the catalog to the public who access the blog.
Mais uma vez, o interesse de poucos, preponderou em relação aos interesses da massa. A mesma massa que gera lucros absurdos para essas gravadoras que insistem em um formato tão ultrapassado quanto os seus stakeholders. Again, the interest of a few, prevailed over the interests of the mass. The same mass that generates absurd profits for these labels that insist on a format as outdated as their stakeholders.
Fica aqui nosso gesto de solidariedade a mais um parceiro que se vai. Mas que deixou um legado importante na formação de um novo conceito de consumo de cultura. It's our gesture of solidarity with another partner who will. But he left an important legacy in the formation of a new concept of consumption culture.
Aos executivos das gravadoras que nos perseguem, deixamos a dica: Peguem seus paletós engomados, suas contas gordas e cheias de dinheiro que vocês ganharam no passado, e vão morar na praia para ter alguns lampejos de felicidade nessa vida que vocês vivem. Deixem que o mundo contemporâneo, seja liderado por pessoas com aspirações modernas. To the record executives who persecute us, we leave a tip: Grab your starched suits, their fat and full accounts, of cash you have earned in the past and will live on the beach to have some flashes of happiness in this life you live. Let the contemporary world, is led by people with modern aspirations.
Mais uma vez, convocamos os parceiros de blog, os admiradores de boa música e de cultura em geral e todos aqueles que ficam indignados com esses excessos de poder a protestar. Again, we call partners blog, the admirers of good music and culture in general and those who are outraged by these abuses of power to protest.
Convidamos todos os visitantes do blog, a “hastearem” simbolicamente essa bandeira em seus blogs, seus espaços de trabalho, suas casas, ou em qualquer outro espaço relevante de suas vidas. We invite all visitors to the blog, the "stem" symbolically that banner on your blogs, your workspaces, their homes, or in any other area relevant to their lives.
Juntos, somos maiores do que todos eles. Together, we are bigger than all of them
1. Dance Lesson #2 2. Like Like Dope 3. Rumpwinder 4. Flute Down 5. A.J. Bustah 6. A Shorter Path #1 7. A Shorter Path #2 8. I Want The Funk 9. Who Are You?
1. Louis & Co. 2. Bougainvillea feat Andy Bey 3. The Grind 4. Sunday School 5. Russian Qualude 6. Jam Sandwich 7. The Grind Reprise 8. Steamed Water 9. Tune-Up feat Andy Bey
1. Pre/Intro 2. My Lady Frustration 3. Talk-a-Tif 4. Pay Back Africa 5. Big Man 6. Sister 7. Excuse-o / Who No Know Go Know 8. Untitled (Vic In Ethiopia) 9. MTTT (Mother Tucker Tick Tock) 10. Government Magic > Indictment 11. Music How We Sit
1. Hot and Tot 2. What A World 3. Shimmy 4. Clean Up Woman 5. Romantic 6. One Of Those Days 7. Marberry 8. Slam It Down 9 You Ain't the One 10. Love the Way You Love 11. Clean Your Plate 12. Git Some 13. Keep It Real 14. Give It To Me Baby 15. Move On Up Download (64Kbps MP3 ZIP) Download (VBR ZIP)
1. Mr. Elevator Head 2. Ramblin' 3. Hello 4. Hello 5. Unknow 6. Rudy Got Smooth 7. Upshot 8. Keep It Slick 9. Attack Of My Killer Tomato 10. The Chicken 11. Six Gun
Set I 1. 33(A Fine Year to Die) 2. Zambezi 3. Hey Fela! 4. 102% 5. Power Struggle 6. All I Want (Right Now) 7. The Minx 8. Six Underground 9. In the Middle 10. This Ain't Work(Part 1)
Set II 11. Talk is Cheap 12. Coming Up Roses 13. Baby Bouncer 14. Carrot Juice 15. Unknown 3 16. Better Off Dead 17. You Got it All 18. Bus Stop No.5 19. Give Me a Minute(Part 2) 20. Return to Gijon 21. Who's Making Love 22. Eazin' Down 23. Nervous 24. (E)One Note Brown
No último dia 07/10/2009, fui ao show das meninas do Les Nubians, realizado no Sesc Pinheiros, aqui em SP. Conheci o som das irmãs Helene e Celia Faussart, por volta de 1999, quando elas começavam a estourar com o sucesso de Tabou (remake de um sucesso dos anos passados). On the last day 07/10/2009, I went to show of the girls of Les Nubians, held at SESC Pinheiros, here in Sao Paulo - Brazil. I knew the sound of sisters Helene and Celia Faussart, around 1999, when they began to burst at the success of Tabou (remake of a success of past years). Naquela época, já achava incrível a mistura de elementos africanos, com a harmonia de jazz e world music que essas garotas faziam. A cada novo disco que lançavam, outros elementos eram acrescentados nesse caldeirão musical.E o resultado final, ia ficando cada dia melhor! Even in that time, it felt incredible mixture of African elements, with the harmony of jazz and world music that these girls was playing. In each new album released, other elements were added in this musical cauldron. And the end result, was getting better every day! São oficialmente 3 discos lançados até hoje, com a promessa de um novo disco para o começo de 2010 (em breve, você terá acesso aos três discos aqui no AFBJ). 3 albums were officially released to date, with the promise of a new album for early 2010 (soon, you will have access to the three discs here in AFBJ). Nesse show, pudemos curtir uma atmosfera intimista, e perceber que as duas estão completamente integradas ao povo brasileiro, mesmo sendo a primeira passagem delas aqui por nosso país tropical. No show, rolou uma série de sucessos dessas meninas, além de uma participação muito especial do projeto social, chamado Moleque de Rua. In this show, we enjoy an intimate atmosphere, and realize that both singers were fully integrated to the Brazilian people, even though the first run of them here in our tropical country. In the show, they played a lot of successes, and a special participatio of musicians of a social project, called Moleque de Rua. Toda a base de percurssão do show, foi feita por artistas brasileiros formados nesse projeto incrível que existe há mais de 20 anos no Brasil e na Europa.Além da participação de MCs e B-boys da favela de Heliópolis, que também têm vinculo com o projeto Moleque de Rua. The whole percussion in the show, was made by Brazilian artists trained in this incredible project that has existed for over 20 years in Brazil and Europe. Besides the participation of MCs and B-boys of the slum of Heliopolis, which also have link with the project Moleque de Rua.
O show foi recheado de interação das irmãs franco-camaronesas com o público, que mostrou que não importa o idioma utilizado nas músicas (predominantemente francês), pois como elas mesmas dizem em um dos seus sons "somos cidadãos universais". The show was full of interaction of the Franco-Cameroonian sisters with the public, which showed that no matter the language used in music (mostly in French), because as they themselves said in one of his songs "we are universal citizens." Emoção ao cantar parabéns para uma das irmãs (Helene), e ao cantar junto com elas um clássico de nosso Jorge Ben - Mas Que Nada. Thrill to sing Happy Birthday to one of the sisters (Helene), and to sing along with them one of our classics brazilian groove: Jorge Ben - Mas Que Nada. Confira aqui alguns vídeos registrados no celular, dessa noite incrível, em que se celebrava mais do que o ano da França no Brasil, mas a integração dos povos de todos os cantos do mundo. Mais uma prova, de que a música tem a capacidade de promover grandes mudanças! Check out a few recorded videos on my cel phone, of this incredible evening, which we were celebrating more than the year of France in Brazil, but the integration of people from all over the world. Further proof, that music has the ability to make major breaktroughs!
1. Let The Drums Speak 2. The Raw 3. Deeper Love 4. Purifications P1/2 5. Droppin 6. Run For It 7. Stop The Bus 8. The Strut 9. Wired 10. Panama 11. Hotwheels (the Chase) 12. It All Comes Back To This
1. Peculiar Times 2. Some People 3. Wichita Lineman 4. Mary Jane 5. Mexican Stand Off 6. Any Knd Of Fool 7. Throwin' Shadows At The Wall 8. Caught In The Middle 9. Dark Clouds 10. Givin Up On Getting Up
1. Sleepers Awake 2. Metamorphosis 3. Push 4. Zagreb 5. The Players Rendezvous 6. Osgood-Schlatter 7. The Electric Ant 8. Salvia 9. The Hidden Valley 10. Operation Anaconda
1. You Keep On Turning Me On 2. International Soul 3. Message To The Soul Sisters Ft. Dionne Charles 4. Watch Your Step 5. Let Yourself Go ! 6. Something To Share 7. The Seven Deadly Corners 8. Southern Bug-A-Loo 9. Slave To Your Heart 10. Don't Tell Me It's Over Ft. Marta High 11. The West Side Strut 12. We Live Together 13. Let Yourself Go ! (Reprise)
1. Burn It Down 2. If I Had Known 3. Sombody's Got It Better 4. Can't Have Enough 5. Do the Right Thing 6. I Got Love for You 7. Treadneck 8. Somebody Stop Me 9. It's a) Sunny Day 10. The Third Degree 11. If You Don't Mean It 12. The Real Deal
Grata surpresa ter conhecido o trabalho da galera do Sul, que formou o selo Dama e que assina em baixo o trabalho bacana de Dazz Le Groove, Mazda 2000, Solo Damant e Tropical Reset.
Os caras disponibilizaram no seu blog, 3 mixtapes assinados por Dazz Le Groove, daqueles que conseguem colocar um pouco de todos os temperos da música, e deixar o prato final no ponto!
Assim como música de qualidade, esses caras conseguiram reunir em seu trabalho um conceito muito bacana sobre a distribuição do trabalho de seus artistas, de forma gratuita através de seu blog e de muitos outros como esse aqui. A idéia de promover acesso a música e a cultura a todos, vai totalmente de encontro com os conceitos e ideais do AFBJ.
Vale a pena dar uma conferida no blog dos caras, que tem além da boa música, conteúdo para ver, sentir e vestir.
Dama Podcast by Dazz Le Groove
1. Jill Scott - Bedda at home 2. C2C - 3. Slum Village - Tainted 4. Pharcyde - Passing me By 5. Nação Zumbi - Toda surdez será castigada 6. Azymuth - Melô do Bico (Remix) 7. 4 Hero - Laranjeiras 8. 4 Hero - Morning Child 9. Cut Chemist - The audience is listening 10. Rob Swift - Blue fable 11. Kanye West - Stronger 12. J Rocc - 13. Jazzanova - The one Tet 14. Fila Brazillia - Madame le Fevre 15. Themes - impulsion 16. Herbie Hancock - Rock it 17. J Rocc - Drama 18. Jazzanova - Another new day 19. Talib Kweli/Dead Prez/Jorge Ben - Suffering and Smilling 20. Mr Magic - Potential 1980
Heavy Funkers by Dazz Le Groove
1. Bobby Byrd - I Know You Got Soul 2. Eric B & Rakim - I Know You Got Soul 3. Jackson 5 - I Want You Back (Z-Trip) 4. Cymande - Pon de Jungle 5. Slum Village - What Its All About 6. Sugarhill Gang - Rapper's Delight 7. Rose Royce - Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 8. Brothers Johnson - Ain't We Funkin' Now 9. Jurassic 5 - Interlude 10. Kool & The Gang - Starchild 11. Cymande - Brothers On The Slide 12. James Brown - Get Up Offa That Thing 13. Commodores - Too Hot Ta Trot 14. Herman Kelly - Dance To The Drummer's Beat 15. Fila Brazilia - Livingston Buzz - Radio Zumbido 16. Quincy Jones - Money Runner 17. David Holmes - Snake Eyes 18. Kool & The Gang - Get Down On It 19. Miles Davis - Fantasy
Arrastão by Dazz Le Groove
1. Walter Wanderley – Canto de Ossanha (*The soul Searchers – Ashley Roachclip) 2. Hermes Aquino – Eu Quero Ser Teu Rei (*Afrique – House Of Rising Funk) 3. Arthur Verocai – Presente Grego 4. Banda Black Rio – Casa Forte (*Quantic – Don’t Joke With a Hungry Man) 5. Banda Black Rio – Chega Mais (*Captain Sky – Wonder Worm) 6. Ana Mazzoti – Agora ou Nunca Mais 7. Airto – Celebration Suite (*Curtis Mayfield – Now You’re Gone) 8. Howard Roberts Quartet – Dirty Old Bossa Nova (*Isaac Hayes – Breakthrough) 9. Meirelles e sua Orquestra – Kriola 10. Tim Maia – Gostava Tanto de Você (*Harlem Underground – Ain’t no Sunshine) 11. Azymuth – Saudades do Doutor 12. Meirelles e sua Orquestra – Tristeza Pé no Chão (*Incredible Bongo Band – Last Bongo in Belgium)
Um salve para os parceiros do Dama, e parabéns pelo belo trabalho!
1. The Hop 2. Mondlicht 3. Everything 4. Night Part I 5. Night Part II 6. El Cielo 7. Birds 8. The Prophets 9. Roads 10. Voices 11. Black Forest 12. Championsound 13. Dust 14. Density 15. Hightingale 16. Love Serenity Blues
1. Me & You Intro (Skit A) 2. Brown Paper Bag 3. The Hoop Loop 4. Sneaker Thief 5. Brighton Request Line (Skit B) 6. Elephant Takeover 7. Wouri River 8. Last Night 9. Ze Zam 10. Brighton Request Line (Skit C) 11. Got Any R&B? 12. Random Search 13. One More Tune 14. Last Night (Last Heads) 23. Space Lizards (hidden track)
1. Tales From Beyond The groove 2. Elemenatl 3. The Limping Song 4. The Dub That Sank My Sub 5. Living Well 6. Moving Closer To The Sofa 7. Another Day In The Life Of Mr Jones 8. If It Ain’t Broke….Break It! 9. Get It Back 10. Sunday Driver 11. Bitter & Twistered