1. Genuine Pt.1
2. Genuine, Pt. 2
3. Longer and Stronger
4. He Said I Can
5. I'm Not Gonna Cry
6. When I Come Home
7. What If We All Stopped Paying Taxes?
8. Settling In
9. Ain't No Chimneys in the Projects
10. New Shoes
11. Without a Trace
12. Inspiration Information
16 comentários:
I bought the vinyl but I wanted it on my mp3-player as well... Thank you so much, and keep up the good work!
Why does Filesonic keep coming up with the "bad hash" message?
It's too new! I'm not comfortable with downloading stuff that's still for sale.
WHY don't U ude MEDIAFIRE??? with the new policies and the close down of MEGAUPLOAD, even FILESONIC is a pid site now and we can't manage to download this LP. If U want to share something, at least make it the easy way!!!
thanks for the upload!
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